Emergent Weed Control
Where Emergent Weed Control Can Be Done
Retention/Detention Ponds
HOA Community Ponds
Lakefront Properties
All aquatic areas with Phragmites
What are Phragmites?
Phragmites are a warm-season perennial reed type species with a rigid, hollow stem and flat, smooth leaves that are green to grayish-green. It can grow up to 20 feet tall and has dense branched clusters of flowers that are open and feathery at maturity. These plants are invasive and can quickly overwhelm native plants. In addition, they are unattractive and can make your pond or lake look unkempt and poorly maintained.
What Our Emergent Weed Control Programs Include:
Our Emergent Weed Control programs are designed to monitor, control, and maintain emergent weed growth in and around your waterbody. These services can include:
Developing a Management Plan
Applications with a Systemic Herbicide
Onsite Mulching, Cutting, and Raking
Offsite Removal may also be available
Yearly Maintenance